Each week, we study scripture from the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament and hear a sermon from Pastor Ben that applies this holy Word to our current context and community.  Join us each week by reading scripture and listening to the sermon to find meaning for you.

To receive our bulletin with scripture, prayers and announcements, please scroll down to the bottom of the page and submit your name and email address where it says, "Join Our Mailing List."

The text of each sermon is included in the "Worship Script" every Sunday.

Visit our facebook page to view our most recent services.

Sermons are listed chronologically.

"Giving for a World of Inclusion"

October 14th, 2018. Our Session of Elders, with the movement of the Holy Spirit, has affirmed our calling of inclusion to extend to people of all sexual and gender identities.  How does God call us to participate in this inclusive message?
Sermon Text October 14

"A New Creation of Reconciliation"

October 7th, 2018. World Communion Sunday. Responding to the guilty verdict of Officer Van Dyke, how can we continue the work of reconciliation that Jesus inspires in us?

Sermon Text October 7

"Extending Hope in the Family of Christ"

April 22nd, 2018. Earth Day. As we continue the season of Easter we share the hope found in the body of Christ - empowering a sustainable future.

Sermon Text April 22

"Jesus is Coming for You"

April 1st, 2018. Easter Sunday. We reflect on Jesus' message of God's love and consider how we are called to be part of it.

Sermon Text April 1st

"Marching with Jesus"

March 25th, 2018. Our sermon came from the perspective of one of Jesus' disciples just after the march into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.  Jesus was organized and followed the children!

Sermon Text March 25

"Healing in the Soil"

March 11th, 2018. As part of our Lent Theme - preparing for Jesus like soil in God's garden - we explore the healing power of grace.

Sermon Text March 11

MLK: Discernment, Prayer and Confirmation

January 14th, 2018.  Martin Luther King Jr. was nurtured and called out of a particular context where particular communities had been organizing for generations - making space for discernment, prayer and confirmation in community that a calling to Civil Rights was possible for many in King's generation.  We too find our calling from our particular context.  What happens when we seek it?

     Sermon Text January 14

A Promise is a Promise

December 31st, 2017.  Listen to our youth preacher - Amir - share a special message about keeping our promises, just like God does. This sermon was part of our Youth Sunday Worship Service to celebrate our first season of ministry with Morgan Park United Methodist Church in our Safe Corner Sunday School.

Joy in Diversity

December 17th, 2017.  Who are you?  All of us are called by God into particular identities with particular gifts.  Let us prepare for God's call on our lives so that so that we might experience the joy of that calling!

AudioDownloadDec17     Sermon Text December 17

Peace in Diversity

December 10th, 2017.  It takes real work to prepare our minds and bodies for peace.  Let us take time in the wilderness to find inner peace so that we might have the strength and maturity to respond in our community out of the peace of Christ.

AudioDownloadDec10     Sermon Text December 10

Hope in Diversity

December 3rd, 2017.  Jesus is coming, AND Jesus is already with us!  Allow yourself to be molded by the body of Christ that is our congregation. Embody the compassion, justice and peace of Christ that is present in our diverse community today.

Sermon Text December 3     AudioDownloadDec3

Recognizing Jesus

November 26th, 2017.  Let us learn new ways to respect and nurture Jesus Christ - present in each of us. God gathers us in to join in God's ministry!

AudioDownloadNov26     Sermon Text November 26

Serving Christ in Each Other

November 19th, 2017.  We can get stuck in a cycle of sin, but God is there to liberate us from sin so we can freely choose to serve each other. God's call in Jesus is a challenge for each of us!

AudioDownloadNov19     Sermon Text November 19

Let Your Light Shine!

November 12th, 2017.  Jesus calls us to be prepared to let God's light shine in this world as we wait and hope for the fullness of God's kingdom.

AudioDownloadNov12      Sermon Text November 12

Humbled and Exalted

November 5th, 2017. To celebrate our All Saints Day Celebration, let's look at how Jesus calls us to live and how we find inspiration for this in nature!  "When Great Trees Fall"

AudioDownloadNov5     Sermon Text November 5th