Children Ministries
Our congregation works hard to create an inclusive and supportive environment for children on Sundays through Sunday School and Worship.
Family Sunday School
9:30am in Christian Ed Wing
This intergenerational class provides opportunities to explore our faith tradition through bible stories, music, and art.
The program is designed for children of all ages and adults! We start with a Bible-based curriculum that teaches God’s love for us. Old and New Testament stories and lessons will help students become familiar with the Bible, form their own faith and apply Christian values in their lives. We will nurture spiritual and physical growth in our children through a loving, safe, fun and inclusive learning environment. During our hour of Sunday school the curriculum lesson with be presented along with games, music, and crafts or projects that enhance the lesson. We will also encourage some age appropriate memorization of Bible verses and prayers.
Children in Worship
10:30am in Sanctuary & Pray-Ground
Our worship service is designed to include the needs of children as part of the worshiping community. We begin the service with energetic worship music to provide opportunities to praise God together. We have an interactive "passing of the peace" where children can get to know others in the community. Children are invited to participate in a children's sermon that empowers our youth to bring their own questions and wisdom into the worship space. And we provide meditative coloring and other art projects to provide an outlet for energy that keeps families together during worship. Children are also active leaders in worship through our Children's Choir and as Worship Leaders once a month.
Young children are invited into a space made especially for them at the front of the church called the Pray-Ground. Parents can sit comfortably with their child and allow them room to move and wiggle during the service.
Children’s Choir
Rehearsal after Worship
Jamie Wasowski directs our children’s choir! Teens are invited to join as mentors to younger children. The choir gathers weekly after worship for a 30 minute rehearsals. Children learn music skills including how to sing a variety of Christian songs. During Advent, the Children's Choir performed a Cantata that was well received. The choir sings in worship once a month. Contact the church to join us!