“For Dr. King, The Beloved Community was not a lofty utopian goal to be confused with the rapturous image of the Peaceable Kingdom, in which lions and lambs coexist in idyllic harmony. Rather, The Beloved Community was for him a realistic, achievable goal that could be attained by a critical mass of people committed to and trained in the philosophy and methods of nonviolence.”
– TheKingCenter.org
This month, we celebrate Black History in our worship, in our sermons, in our fellowship and in our prayers. We lift up important figures in Black culture, civil rights, and history, however, Black History does not belong only to the artists, politicians, preachers and thinkers that have become icons in our world view. Black history also includes the regular lives of people like you who have been part of transforming the world – and transforming this country – into a more loving and inclusive community.
It is important to remember that we too are part of Black History. Our recent Black ancestors bravely entered this congregation to break down racial segregation in one of the most challenging spaces in US society: the church. Our history is Black History, and our neighborhood is Black History.
As we take time to celebrate specific people in our history this month, let us also celebrate who we are and where we are. Let us bring this celebration into our discernment gatherings. Let us bring this celebration into our neighborhood. Let us bring this celebration into our embodiment of Christ.
God has called us to be the Beloved Community, and this Beloved Community is not limited to MLK’s and DuBois’. This Beloved Community is open for you, for me, and for so many that we will never know. Let us celebrate their voices by celebrating our voices this month. Let us celebrate Black History by continuing to be part of our living history in this moment.
With Peace,
Pastor Ben