Come, Holy Spirit, Come!

The Holy Spirit has been let loose in Morgan Park Presbyterian Church! The excitement built up over an entire year of discernment gatherings culminated in a powerful meeting on May 20th where you shared your dreams with the entire congregation. We entrusted these dreams in the hands of our committee members, deacons and elders, who will use them as guidance for the church as we enter into a new season of creation with the Holy Spirit.

Sharing our dreams from the congregation.

We presented our dreams on the day of Pentecost – when the Holy Spirit came down upon Jesus’ disciples in front of an audience of Jews gathered from across the known world – giving them tongues of fire so they could speak in the language of each person gathered there that day. We prayed, “Come, Holy Spirit, Come,” so that we too could experience this holy connection to our neighbors. God, through the Holy Spirit, acts as a connective force, empowering us to embody the beloved community – where God’s love and justice reign!

So, now, empowered by the Holy Spirit, we begin the next chapter of our journey together: We focus on being co-creators with God of our beloved community here at MPPC. Our committees will meet this summer to make recommendations for how to live out our dreams. Our session of elders will begin to discuss how we can empower your gifts and structure our committees and staff to be accountable to these dreams in the years to come. The Holy Spirit is alive in the democratic process – so your voice is important in this continued discernment! Check our church calendar for upcoming committee meetings that you can attend to learn more.

I am so grateful for the work of this congregation that has taken ownership of this discernment. You were honest about your needs and church identity. You took risks to meet your neighbors, your community leaders and partners. And you did the hard work of discerning how God is calling our congregation to be the Body of Christ in our current context. We will not be able to live out every dream, and we may need to bring some ministries to a close to allow room for new growth, but I know that we are capable of navigating this new path on our journey together with God. Thank you!

Here are the dreams that you prioritized through our discernment:

1. Build up our Community Events (Concerts, VBS)
2. Develop Service Partnership with Esmond School and PLAID Academy
3. Welcome neighborhood to join our Garden Team
4. Welcome: Have all members practice being “greeters” every Sunday.
5. Improve Building and Grounds to be more visible in community

Christian Education
1. Support our VBS program this summer!
2. Partner with another PC(USA) church for Confirmation Class
3. Children’s Sunday School before worship (9:30am) with new curriculum
4. Age appropriate learning time in the nursery

1. Do a service outside – Choir could sing
2. Put more church activities in local paper
3. Have service to bless our public servants and military
4. Bring back the Hymn Sing

1. Welcome students for community service and learning (Garden Ministry, Cooking Class)
2. Mentoring for Esmond Students (especially support for homeless students)
3. Friend and Family Day – everyone invite someone!
4. Display acts of love/kindness in and out of sanctuary

Congregational Life
1. Carpool Project (for members who can’t drive)
2. Supply bags for homeless students at Esmond Elementary School
3. Learning to meditate / Prayer Partners
4. Tutoring in reading and math at Esmond Elementary School

If you have more dreams or ideas about how to live them out, feel free to talk to me or leave a note in our “dream box” outside the Fireside Room.

With the Peace of Christ,
Pastor Ben

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